Cinematic Unisystem Compiled Pdf To Word

Unisystem is a genericrole-playing game system produced by Eden Studios, Inc. It is used in All Flesh Must Be Eaten, 1 the Buffyverse role-playing games, CJ Carella's WitchCraft, Conspiracy X (2nd Ed.), 2 and several other games. Games designed using Unisystem have been nominated for, 3 and won, 4 Origins Awards. Eden Studio's Cinematic Unisystem. Aug 7, 2017 - This is a compilation of pdf share threads since 2015 and the rpg generals threads.

Conspiracy X
Designer(s)Dave Chapman, George Vasilakos
Publisher(s)Eden Studios, Inc.
Publication date1996 (1st Edition - New Millennium Entertainment), 2006 (2nd Edition - Eden Studios)
System(s)GURPS, Unisystem

Conspiracy X is a role-playing game (RPG) originally released by New Millennium Entertainment in 1996, and since revised and released by several publishers including Steve Jackson Games and Eden Studios, Inc. In all versions, the setting posits that aliens are insiduously taking over the world, reminiscent of The X-Files.

The current version is based on the Unisystem,[1] but previous versions have used GURPS[2] and its own system.[3]


A secret American government agency called AEGIS has been aware since the Roswell Incident of 1947 that there is an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, characterized by supernatural and paranormal phenomena. Player characters take the role of AEGIS operatives, usually disaffected government agents employed by real-world organizations such as the FBI or ATF or an organization created for the game, such as the Defense Tactical Information Center or Project Rasputin. The game also touches on many modern popular conspiracy theories including the CIA involvement with psychics and the alien cover up from MKULTRA. Qr scanner-qr code reader pro apk. The game can also be run to focus on paranormal happenings such as ghost sightings or ESP.

First Edition[edit]

The first edition was originally published as a 224-page softcover book by New Millennium Entertainment.[4] Eden Studios acquired the rights, their first RPG, and continued to use the first version, which went through several printings, with the Third Printing – Revised carrying a copyright date of 1997.

Many supplemental books were produced for this line including books detailing alien technologies and races, books for dealing with the supernatural (as it is defined in the Conspiracy X world) and books on the governmental agencies featured in the core book (AEGIS and Black Book, also called the NDD), as well as a book on how to create conspiracies and the Bodyguard of Lies series, three books with miscellaneous additions to the world and rules as well as missions to roleplay.

This edition features an original rules system. Character generation is via a 'point-buy' system, where players are given 100 points to divide amongst basic abilities as well as skills and resources. The player can also purchase more points by adding disadvantages to the character. For example, adding 'Wanted by the Law' to the character nets another 20 points to spend.[4]

Players then act communally to plan 'the Cell', the base of operations they will be using for the adventure, including details of location, facilities, staff, and equipment.[4]

Actions are resolved with one of only four probabilities:

  • Easy (100%) – Automatic Success (if your skill exceeds the difficulty level)
  • Medium (58.3%) – Success on rolling 7 or lower on 2d6 (if your skill is equal to the difficulty level)
  • Hard (16.7%) – Success on rolling 4 or lower on 2d6 (if your skill is a single point lower than the difficulty level)
  • Impossible (0%) – Automatic Failure (if your skill is more than a single point lower than the difficulty level)

There are also resolution systems for non-skill actions, competitive actions, extended actions such as research, and use of specific powers and abilities using the core resolution system as a base. Difficulties range from 1 to 5, and sometimes higher for very difficult actions.

Players can also try to use their character's psychic abilities by utilising Zener cards (square, star, cross, wave or circle). If a player wants to use his character's psychic ability, perhaps to foretell the future, the player names one of the symbols; the gamemaster draws a number of cards corresponding to the character's psychic ability and turns them over. If one of the cards is the symbol predicted by the player, the psychic action succeeds.[4]


The first edition was very well supported, with a number of supplements:

  • The Aegis Handbook (1997) – Player's Guide to Aegis.
  • The Hand Unseen (2002) – Player's Guide to the NDD, or Black Book.
  • Nemesis (1999) – Grey sourcebook.
  • Atlantis Rising (1998) – Atlantean sourcebook.
  • Exodus (1999) – Saurian sourcebook.
  • Forsaken Rites (1997) – Supernatural sourcebook.
  • Shadows of the Mind (1999) – Psi sourcebook.
  • Cryptozoology (1997) – Dossier of the Unexplained.
  • Sub Rosa (1999) – Conspiracy Creation sourcebook.
  • Gamemaster Screen (1996) – with adventure module included.
  • Bodyguard of Lies series:
    • Psi Wars (1998) – Introduces Dreaming, New Creditials, Trait and Resources, Alternate Weapon Ranges, Compilation of Alien Technology Resource Points and Psionics, New Informational Sources, Fear and insanity Rules, Manifestations, Biological, chemical, and radioactive menaces. The majority of the supplement is Psi-Wars, a complete Conspiracy X scenario.
    • Mokole (1998)
    • Synergy (1999) – Introduces Rules for Toxins and Poisons. The majority of the supplement is Synergy, a complete Conspiracy X scenario.

GURPS Edition[edit]

Another version was published in 2002 using the GURPS rules-set. This was the second Powered by GURPS licensed game to be produced outside of Steve Jackson Games. In addition to GURPS rules it provided conversion guidelines for players of the first Conspiracy X. The GURPS variant is part of the 'Classic' Edition line and features the same cover art.

Second Edition (Conspiracy X 2.0)[edit]

Conspiracy X 2.0 was published in 2006 (features the Unisystem rules) and was nominated for an ENnie AwardBest RPG for 2007.[5] This edition presented conversion guidelines for players of the 1st Edition of the game (although no GURPS conversions are provided).Since the release of Conspiracy X 2.0, the following supplements have also been produced:

  • Extraterrestrials Sourcebook (PDF in May 2010, successful Kickstarter in November 2011 for a print edition).[6]
  • The Paranormal Sourcebook (print and PDF editions via Kickstarter funding January 2012).[7]
  • The Conspiracies Sourcebook (print and PDF editions via Kickstarter funding July 2012).[8]


Andy Butcher reviewed Conspiracy X for Arcane magazine, rating it a 9 out of 10 overall.[9] Butcher comments that 'Conspiracy X is the most impressive first roleplaying release in a long time, and it's a great game. It combines a setting and style that will be familiar enough for players and referees to easily understand with an incredibly detailed and atmospheric background, clear, simple rules and an impressive range of original and clever ideas.'[9]

In the August 1996 edition of Dragon (Issue 232), Rick Swan characterized the first edition of this game as 'the latest entry in the Aliens Walk Among Us sweepstakes, and it’s also the best.' Swan criticized the combat system, which he found overly complicated for a game that supposedly discourages combat in favour of investigation; but he admired the game concept called The Cell, where players must agree on the details of their base of operations. Swan also liked the use of the Zener Test for psychic abilities, calling it cool that 'the character’s success depends on the player’s real-life 'psychic' powers. Neat, eh?' Swan, having only playtested the game through one adventure, was unwilling to give un unqualified recommendation. 'But our introductory scenario revealed no serious flaws. More importantly, it generated a table-full of satisfied customers, hungry for more.[4]

In a 1996 reader poll conducted by Arcane magazine to determine the 50 most popular roleplaying games of all time, Conspiracy X was ranked 23rd. Editor Paul Pettengale commented: 'By far the best of the modern-day horror games inspired by The X-Files, Conspiracy X has a meticulously constructed background which combined reality and fiction to create a frighteningly plausible setting. Reading through the background is enough to spark ideas for scenarios and even whole campaigns. The rules are simple and quick, while still allowing for a fair degree of complexity, and feature a unique and interesting system for dealing with psychic powers. Excellent stuff.'[10]

In 2001, Sarah Hollings published a review of the first edition of Conspiracy X for the on-line roleplaying magazine Places to Go, People to See. Hollings liked the game, but found some of the rules around dice rolling overly complicated. 'The damage system is frightening. The words daunting and confusing also spring to mind.. There are some really good ideas in the combat system, and the underlying concepts are not complex. However the rendering of these ideas into a game mechanic has resulted in a very complicated and clunky system, in places unworkably so.' While calling for updated rules revisions to replace the ad hoc house rules most gamemasters would need to employ, Hollings nonetheless recommended the game, saying, 'There is a lot to like in Con X, as a system, and as a world setting. Yes, the mechanic sucks in many ways; yes, it often borders on unplayable, but nonetheless the work needed to come to a workable understanding (read 'house ruleset') is ultimately worth it for the fun you can have.'[11]


  • Shadis #25 (March, 1996)
  • Pyramid #21 (Sept./Oct., 1996)


  1. ^Richeson, Christopher (2006). 'Review of Conspiracy X Second Edition'. RPGnet. Retrieved 2007-09-30.
  2. ^Dady, Gavin (2002). 'GURPS Conspiracy X'. RPGnet. Retrieved 2007-10-02.
  3. ^Powel, Aaron (1998). 'Conspiracy X'. The Gaming Outpost. Archived from the original on 2007-12-11. Retrieved 2007-10-02.
  4. ^ abcdeSwan, Rick (August 1996). 'Roleplaying Reviews'. Dragon. TSR, Inc. (232): 106–108.
  5. ^'ENnie Nominations: Best RPG of 2007' (2nd ed.). ENWorld. 2007-08-25. Archived from the original on 2007-09-18. Retrieved 2007-09-27.
  6. ^'Conspiracy X RPG The Extraterrestrials Sourcebook'. Retrieved 2013-10-01.
  7. ^'Conspiracy X RPG The Paranormal Sourcebook'. Retrieved 2013-10-01.
  8. ^'Conspiracy X RPG The Conspiracies Sourcebook'. Retrieved 2013-10-01.
  9. ^ abButcher, Andy (June 1996). 'Games Reviews'. Arcane. Future Publishing (7): 56–59.
  10. ^Pettengale, Paul (Christmas 1996). 'Arcane Presents the Top 50 Roleplaying Games 1996'. Arcane. Future Publishing (14): 25–35.
  11. ^Hollings, Sarah (2001). 'Review of Conspiracy X'. Places to Go, People to Be: The Online Magazine for Roleplayers. Retrieved 2007-09-30.

External links[edit]

  • GURPS Conspiracy X page at Steve Jackson Games
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Cinematic unisystem compiled pdf to word download

From audio recording to zoom lenses, these insightful filmmaking tutorials are not to be missed.

There’s a lot to learn in the filmmaking world. From scripts to distribution, there are a seemingly endless number of skills and techniques to master. This can be overwhelming for both new filmmakers and seasoned veterans alike. So, to save some time, we’ve compiled a list of eight filmmaking tutorials every filmmaker should watch. Even if you have years of experience, these comprehensive tutorials can be a great refresher to help kickstart your inspiration.

1. How to Format a Screenplay

Tutorial By: Indy Mogul

Writing a screenplay is not like writing a book; in the industry, there’s a very specific structure in which scripts are formatted. So, once you’re ready to put your ideas on paper, it’s a good idea to have your formatting down. Luckily, software like Celtx can help you format your script with ease. In this quick tutorial, Russell Hasenauer from Indy Mogul shows us a few basics of script formatting.

2. How to Storyboard and Schedule Your Film

Tutorial by: Film Riot

One of the best ways to convey what you want a shot to look like is to storyboard. Storyboarding is essentially a small picture that shows basic framing and composition. A storyboard can be incredibly detailed or simple. Really, it all depends on the scale of your film – and, frankly, your drawing skills.

One of the most common mistakes made by young filmmakers is poor scheduling. Shooting a film takes a lot of time. So, if you want your film to be the best it can be, you need to quickly learn how to allocate enough time to shoot your scenes well while staying under budget. This quick tutorial shows us how it’s done.

3. The Casting Process and Casting Call Dos & Don’ts!

Tutorial by: Film Riot

Want to ruin your film before it’s shot? Cast a bad actor to play your lead. In yet another fantastic tutorial created by Film Riot, Ryan Connolly shares a few tips for perfecting the casting process.

4. Lenses, Composition, and Camera Angles

Tutorial by: Tom Antos

When it comes to composition, there are many rules to keep in mind: Don’t cut across the 180 degree line, always move more than 30 degrees between shots, observe the rule of thirds, etc.

While these rules are certainly helpful, they aren’t mandatory – they’re only helpful guides to make the whole filmmaking process easier. In this quick tutorial, Tom Antos shares a few of the basic filmmaking rules to help us better understand composition.

5. F-Stops vs T-Stops

Tutorial by: Matt Granger

As one of the foundational elements of the exposure triangle, understanding your aperture is incredibly important to understanding cinematography in general. Early in your filmmaking journey you probably learned of the F-Stop, a mathematical formula designed to help photographers and filmmakers understand the speed of a lens. But in the filmmaking world, the even more accurate T-Stop is a better way to understand how much light is actually hitting the camera sensor. In this tutorial, Matt Granger shares the difference between an F-Stop and a T-Stop.

6. Camera Movement Tutorial: How to Create Emotion

Tutorial by: The Slanted Lens

Camera movements have a huge role in conveying emotion and hidden meaning that couldn’t be shown through actors alone. In this awesome tutorial, The Slanted Lens shows us a few camera movement techniques that can be used to convey emotion.

7. Basic Cinematic Lighting

Tutorial by: RealmPictures

Want to make your film look more professional? Invest in some lights. Controlled lighting has the power to dynamically change the overall look and feel of your film, but don’t take my word for it. Check out this quick tutorial by DP Eve Hazleton, where she explains some of the basics of film lighting.

8. The Basics of Recording Audio for Digital Video

Tutorial By: Filmmaker IQ

It’s often said that a film is 50% what is seen and 50% what is heard. Audio plays a vital role in any film. Want to find out if you’re watching an indie film or a blockbuster feature? Just close your eyes. Professional filmmakers know that audio is an incredibly important investment, but there’s a lot to learn. In this tutorial by John P. Hess of Filmmaker IQ, we take a look at some of the basics of recording audio on location.

Want to take your filmmaking skills to the next level? Check out a few of these awesome tutorials here on the Premiumbeat blog: Cara flash mito a69 bootloop.

Know of any other must-watch filmmaking tutorials? Let us hear about them in the comments below.