Mosfet Gate Driver Circuit Diagram Unique Fet High Side Driver For Mac

Introduction: OPTO-MOSFET Driver

Included are the following: High side toggle switch driver, low side toggle switch driver, bipolar NPN transistor driver, Darlington transistor driver, N-Channel MOSFET driver, and ULN2003 driver. You may recall the TLC555 Relay Driver Circuit that I recently posted, it too is a low side driver.

Hi. My absolutely first enclosure to MOSFET’s. After studying ”lot’s” of them in INSTR. & Arduino & elsewere of them users having problems with controlling them mosfets with logics.
Problems there seems to be:

1. To get a proper Volt-level to the gate from logics.'s search results and ROM download pages for Dragon Quest 9.'s game information and ROM download page for Dragon Quest IX - Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Nintendo DS).'s game information and ROM download page for Dragon Quest IX - Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Nintendo DS). Dragon quest 9 cool romance.

2. To get a NON-inverting output to the fet

3. To NOT use the same power-rail to both logic & load

4. To have a simpel, (few components), solution to all above.

I rigged up my own suggestion to try to solve these problems.

And voilá, it worked like charm, (my first mosfet connection ewer).

I attach here the schematics and them data of the optocoupler and the Mosfet i used. Keep in mind: My solution is just for guidelines for anyone to use. There are 100’s of different kind of optocouplers, so that’s why I don’t here go closer to the specs, same goes for the Mosfet.

The principal idea is that when the switch, (or logic), is LOW, the optocoupler LED is ON.

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R1 is the LED current limitor resistance, (you need to dimension it to your own demands).

The output is now ON thus giving 0V at pin 8 to the GATE

With the switch, (or logic), is HIGH, (or no potential at all), the output at pin 8 is OFF. Now the VDD, (your ”load” voltage), to the GATE goes via R2, voilá.

The resistor R3, (optional), is there for a voltage-divider. This is if your load voltage ower-rides the volt-level to the gate allowed, (e.g. load volt > 15V).

I haven’t tested my circuit with any heawy load’s yet. Only with 20V/ 500mA. The mosfet was colder, (after 15minutes ON), that my finger, (couldn’t get any warmth at all), There’s a ton of details to concider, delays…. etc.

Mosfet Gate Driver Circuit Diagram Unique Fet High Side Driver For Mac

Keep in mind: this is ”just” a guide-line for that I tested of curiosity them Mosfet’s

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Step 1: The Schematic Picture

There are 2 totally independent channels for them MOSFET’s,
including the Power-rails and separate fuses. Use them switches 1,2 to choose the MOSFET to be active either with a LOW or HIGH level from the logic, respectively.

Step 2: PCB Layouts

The layout is double-sided. The complete Design is in ”Gerber form” in the ZIP-file


  • FET IRFZ44N.pdf

Step 3: Component Side Copper

Step 4: Solder Side Copper

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